Law Wigs and Gown like many uniforms is an emblem of anonymity, an attempt to distance the wearer from personal involvement and a way to visually draw on the supremacy of the law, says Newton. Wigs are so much a part of British criminal courts that if a barrister doesn’t wear a wig, it’s seen as an insult to the court.
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Barristers must wear a wig slightly frizzed at the crown, with horizontal curls on the sides and back. In addition, there are two long strips of hair that hang down below the hairline on the neck and sport a looped curl at each end. Different types of lawyers, though, have distinctions in the style of wig.
We know you are special and thats why our Law wig and gowns are specially hand crafted creations to help you stand out anywhere you are in the world beyond the courtroom.
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